Track your calories and record your workouts on your Android device. The thing that marks smartphones “smart” is that they can do much more than make and receive phone calls. Android smartphones and devices have access to a world of apps through Google Play which really pours intelligence into these smart devices.

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There is an impressive range of apps available for Android called “Health & Fitness”. If you’ve ever wondered what the best app is to have in your pocket to help you with your weight loss and diet goals, check out My Fitness Pal.

Tracking what goes in

As important as exercise is to overall health, the food and drink you put into your body is important to improving or maintaining your health. My Fitness Pal is an app in which you record everything you eat and drink. Yes, keeping track of your entire diet can be cumbersome but it is a very important daily task for a few reasons:

  1. Almost everyone has no idea what they are putting into their bodies
  2. Most people have no idea how much they eat on an average day
  3. The best way to lose weight is to track how much and how much you eat

My Fitness Pal provides an easy and portable way for Android users to enter their daily consumption and then track their calorie, fat, carbs, and protein gram intake. My fitness pal takes the guesswork out of tracking your intake and trying to remember what you ate and want to carry paper and pen with you wherever you go.

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Supporting Features

My Fitness Pal includes a bar code feature that gives users the ability to scan in the bar code listed on each food or beverage item they purchase. After the scan is done, you can enter in the number of servings of a particular product and the app does all the calculations for you.

Another very useful feature is access to an incredible database of food and beverages. When a user enters their meal, My Fitness Pal accesses a database of both brand names and common consumables and provides nutritional content details. Although not every food or beverage is in the database, I have yet to find anything that crosses my plate that isn’t in the My Fitness Pal database.

These two features make the laborious task of entering everything much easier.

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For me, having a limit on the number of calories I can consume in a day is not something I enjoy. But with My Fitness Pal’s exercise feature, I can earn extra daily calories if I exercise. Once you create your My Fitness Pal profile and enter your weight loss goals, the app will suggest how many calories you should consume each day. With each meal, your remaining daily calories will decrease. But, record each exercise you’ve completed and your remaining daily calories will automatically increase.

Many people need the motivation to exercise as much as possible and seeing how many calories you burn while exercising can often be more debilitating than motivation. But when you see how much more you can eat in a given day because of exercise, you may be tempted to put in a few more minutes on the treadmill.

Help you reach your weight loss goals

Unless a developer creates an app that automatically drinks everything you eat or provides you with a detailed analysis of your calorie and nutritional intake, My Fitness Apps is one of the best apps to fill this need. will be one of

While it can be frustrating at times to record what you eat, My Health Pal forces users to be more aware of their diet. It is very easy to enter your daily consumption with the features of this app, which will motivate the users to keep track.

My Fitness Pal isn’t the only app that allows users to track their consumption, but it’s better than most. Its accuracy and incredible database of foods and beverages garner 4 stars and bar code scanning and exercise-inspired features put My Fitness Pal at the top.

Available for free download in the Android Market, My Fitness Pal is definitely an app that dieters should download.

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By Lucas Cleto

Psychology student and technology enthusiast, I have some websites in this niche and I always try to bring the most useful and reliable information possible